This map shows the service area of PRF&R. It follows Hwy 77 between Oracle and Dudleyville, AZ. PRF&R also protects the Aravaipa Canyon. The areas within the red borders comprise our coverage area, but we also respond assist other fire departments in our region.
PRFR became viable and accessible through 911 calls on March 15, 2012; and began the District formation process 8/26/15. We successfully achieved that milestone, with the people speaking up---over 70% signatures gathered with a voice stating: "we need better fire/medical protection." Any residence or commercial entity that is not in a formed fire district is encouraged to join our district---for better coverage and professional firefighters at your doorstep! Currently, those entities can contract for our services until acceptance into the District.
Fees will apply for non-subscribers at a much higher rate. We are proud to serve those who've called on us for help! {map pdf]
The Pinal Rural Fire and Medical patch was co-designed by our Fire Chief Bobby Apodaca to represent the earliest history of the original inhabitants of the San Pedro and Gila River Valleys, and the Aravaipa Canyon we serve. It is designed with the outline of an arrowhead to represent the ancient Clovis and Folsom points found here. There were numerous early Native American communities that inhabited the Gila and San Pedro River Valleys.